Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Every year, just before Easter, the Chief Rabbi in Rome goes to the
Vatican and presents an ancient, and by now quite tattered
envelope to the Pope.

The Pope inspects the envelope, shakes his head, and hands it back to the Chief Rabbi, who then departs.
This has been going on for nearly two thousand years.

One year recently, it happened that there was a new Pope and a new Chief Rabbi.
When the Chief Rabbi presented the ancient envelope to the Pope, as he had been instructed to do by his predecessor, the Pope looked it over and handed it back
as he had been told to, in turn, by his predecessor...but then
the Pope said, "This is an unusual ritual.I don't understand it.
What is in this envelope?" "Damned if I know," answered the Chief Rabbi.
"I'm new here myself. But, hey, let's open it and find out."
"Good idea," said the Pope
So together, they slowly and carefully opened the envelope.
And do you know what they found?

The caterer's bill for the Last Supper!


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